Behavioral Guidelines

Behavior Guideline Information

Below are lists of both major and minor behavioral violations, their consequences, and the adults involved for the given violations. Also featured are the school Bus Conduct Report Form and information about Newport Town Schools' Positive Behavior and Support program. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Shelly Lanou or Jessica Farrar.

Major Behavioral Violations


Minor Behavioral Violations


Bus Conduct Report Form


Positive Behavior Intervention and Support

Newport Town School uses the acronym S.T.A.R., which stands for:

  • Safety

  • Respect

  • Acceptance

  • Responsibility


  • Students collect star tokens when they show behaviors in line with our PBIS STAR expectations. When a class earns 100 stars collectively, they have a small celebration and bring a toy panther down to the PBIS display. When each class reaches their next 100, we have a celebration across the entire school.

  • When a class earns 500 stars collectively, they have a larger celebration just for their own class.